Mango makes use of the following third-party products:
Apache Commons – Java common libraries
DCMTK – DICOM file format
JAMA – matrix calculation
JOGL – surface rendering
John E. Lloyd's Convex Hull implementation
Log4J – logging
niftilib – NIFTI orientation conversion
QuaQua – Mac OS X Look-and-Feel
Launch4J – Windows executable Java wrapper
Unidata NetCDF Java – NetCDF file format
Support for Mango software development was provided in part by the 'ICBM' grant (P01-EB01955) NIH/NIMH and the 'BrainMap' grant (R01-MH074457) NIH/NIMH.
Primary support for continuing software development is being provided by the 'Mango' grant (R01-EB015314-01a1) NIH/NIBIB.