Publications that used Mango for image processing
List only includes pubs since 2013, the year the original grant started.
- Ákos Szabó C, Salinas FS, Li K, Franklin C, Leland MM, Fox PT, Laird AR, Narayana S. (2015). Modeling the effective connectivity of the visual network in healthy and photosensitive, epileptic baboons. Brain Struct Funct. [PUBMED]
- Anderson JAE, Campbell KL, Amer T, Grady CL, Hasher L (2014). Timing is Everything: Age differences in the cognitive control network are modulated by time of day. Psychology and Aging 29:648-657. [PUBMED]
- Ardila A, Bernal B, Rosselli M. (2015). Language and visual perception associations: meta-analytic connectivity modeling of Brodmann area 37. Behav Neurol. 2015:565871. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2014). Perception of affective and linguistic prosody : An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 1395-1403. [PUBMED]
- Belyk, M., Kraft, S.J. & Brown, S. (2015). Stuttering as a trait or state : An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 275-284. [PUBMED]
- Bernal B, Ardila A, Rosselli M. (2015). Broca's area network in language function: a pooling-data connectivity study. Front Psychol. May 22;6:687. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Campbell KL, Grigg O, Saverino C, Churchill N, Grady CL (2013). Age differences in the intrinsic functional connectivity of default network subsystems. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5, Article 73. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Chen, J., Honey, C.J., Simony, E., Arcaro, M.J., Norman, K.A., Hasson, U. (2015). Accessing Real-Life Episodic Information from Minutes versus Hours Earlier Modulates Hippocampal and High-Order Cortical Dynamics. Cereb. Cortex bhv155. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhv155. [PUBMED]
- Dickie, D.A., et al. (2013). Variance in brain volume with advancing gage: implications for defining the limits of normality. PLoS ONE 8(12): e84093. [PMC]
- Dickie, D.A., et al. (2015). Use of brain MRI atlases to determine boundaries of age-related pathology: the importance of statistical method. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0127939. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Garrison, J., Erdeniz, B. & Done, J (2013). Prediction error in reinforcement learning: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 37, 1297–1310. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, Luk G, Craik FIM, Bialystok E (2015). Brain network activity in monolingual and bilingual older adults, Neuropsychologia 66:170-181. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, Mondloch C, Lewis T, Maurer D (2014). Early Visual Deprivation from Congenital Cataracts Disrupts Activity and Functional Connectivity in the Face Network. Neuropsychologia 57:122-139. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, Siebner H, Hornboll B, Macoveanu J, Paulson O, Knudsen G (2013). Acute Pharmacologically Induced Shifts in Serotonin Availability Abolish Emotion-selective Responses to Negative Face Emotions in Distinct Brain Networks. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 23:368–378. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, St-Laurent M, Burianova H (2015). Age differences in brain activity related to unsuccessful declarative memory retrieval, Brain Research 1612:30-47. [PUBMED]
- Kennedy KC, Fransson BA, Gay JM, Roberts GD (2015). Comparison of Pneumoperitoneum Volumes in Lift Laparoscopy With Variable Lift Locations and Tensile Forces. Vet Surg. 44 Suppl 1:83-90. [PUBMED]
- Kochunov P, Thompson PM, Winkler A, Morrissey M, Fu M, Coyle TR, Du X, Muellerklein F, Savransky A, Gaudiot C, Sampath H, Eskandar G, Jahanshad N, Patel B, Rowland L, Nichols TE, O'Connell JR, Shuldiner AR, Mitchell BD, Hong LE (2015). The common genetic influence over processing speed and white matter microstructure: Evidence from the Old Order Amish and Human Connectome Projects. Neuroimage. Oct 21. pii: S1053-8119(15)00961-1. [PUBMED]
- Kochunov P., Chiappelli J., Hong EL. (2013). Permeability-diffusivity modeling vs. fractional anisotropy on white matter integrity assessment and application in schizophrenia. Neuroimage:Clinical 3:18-26. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Narayana S, Fox PT, Mogul DJ (2013). PET-based confirmation of orientation sensitivity of TMS-induced cortical activation in humans. Brain Stimul. 6(6):898-904. [PUBMED]
- Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Narayana S, Fox PT, Mogul DJ. (2015). Computational and experimental analysis of TMS-induced electric field vectors critical to neuronal activation. J Neural Eng. [PUBMED]
- Maillet, D & Rajah, M. N. (2014 ). Age-related differences in brain activity during the subsequent memory paradigm: a meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 45: p. 246-57. [PUBMED]
- Maillet, D. and M. N. Rajah (2014). "Dissociable roles of default-mode regions during episodic encoding." Neuroimage 89: 244-255. [PUBMED]
- McGuire S, Sherman P, Profenna L, Grogan P, Sladky J, Brown A, Robinson A, Rowland L, Hong E, Patel B, Tate D, Kawano E, Fox P, Kochunov P (2013). White Matter Hyperintensities on MRI in High-Altitude U-2 Pilots. Neurology (8):729-35. [PUBMED]
- McGuire SA, Sherman PM, Wijtenburg S, Rowland LM, Grogan PM, Sladky JH, Robinson AY, Kochunov PV (2014). White Matter Hyperintensities and Hypobaric Exposure. Ann Neurol 76(5):19-26. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- McGuire SA, Tate DF, Wood J, Sladky JH, McDonald K, Sherman PM, Kawano ES, Rowland LM, Patel B, Wright SN, Hong E, Rasmussen J, Willis AM, Kochunov PV (2014). Lower neurocognitive function in U-2 pilots: Relationship to white matter hyperintensities. Neurology.83(7):638-45. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- McKay DR1, Knowles EE, Winkler AA, Sprooten E, Kochunov P, Olvera RL, Curran JE, Kent JW Jr, Carless MA, Göring HH, Dyer TD, Duggirala R, Almasy L, Fox PT, Blangero J, Glahn DC (2014). Influence of age, sex and genetic factors on the human brain. Brain Imaging Behav. 8(2):143-52. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Onat S., Büchel C. (2015). The neuronal basis of fear generalization in humans. 18(12):1811-8. doi: 10.1038/nn.4166. [PUBMED]
- Petrican R, Saverino C, Rosenbaum RS, Grady CL (2015). Inter-individual differences in the experience of negative emotion predict variations in functional brain architecture. Neuroimage 123:80-88. [PUBMED]
- Plante, E., Almryde, K., Patterson, D.K., Vance, C.J., Asbjørnsen, A.E., (2014). Language lateralization shifts with learning by adults. Laterality 20, 1–20. [PUBMED]
- Plante, E., Patterson, D.K., Dailey, N.S., Almryde, K., Fridriksson, J., (2014). Dynamic changes in network activations characterize early learning of a natural language. Neuropsychologia 2014 (62):77–86. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Plante, E., Patterson, D.K., Gómez, R., Almryde, K.R., White, M.G., Asbjørnsen, A.E. (2015). The nature of the language input affects brain activation during learning from a natural language. Journal of Neurolinguistics (36):17–34. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Poeppl TB, Eickhoff SB, Fox PT, Laird AR, Rupprecht R, Langguth B, Bzdok D (2015). Connectivity and functional profiling of abnormal brain structures in pedophilia. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2374–86. [PUBMED]
- Poeppl TB, Frank E, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Prasser SJ, Rupprecht R, Hajak G, Langguth B, Landgrebe M (2014). Amygdalohippocampal neuroplastic changes following neuroleptic treatment with quetiapine in first-episode schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 17:833–43. [PUBMED]
- Poeppl TB, Langguth B, Laird AR, Eickhoff SB (2014). The functional neuroanatomy of male psychosexual and physiosexual arousal: a quantitative meta-analysis. Hum Brain Mapp 35:1404–21. [PUBMED]
- Poeppl TB, Nitschke J, Santtila P, Schecklmann M, Langguth B, Greenlee MW, Osterheider M, Mokros A (2013). Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia. J Psychiatr Res 47:678–85. [PUBMED]
- Polak P, Leddy JJ, Dwyer MG, Willer B, Zivadinov R. (2015). Diffusion Tensor Imaging Alterations in Patients With Postconcussion Syndrome Undergoing Exercise Treatment: A Pilot Longitudinal Study. J Head Trauma Rehabil 30(2):E32-42. [PUBMED]
- Reveley C, Seth AK, Pierpaoli C, Silva AC, Yu D, Saunders RC, Leopold DA, Ye FQ (2015) "Superficial white matter fiber systems impede detection of long-range cortical connections in diffusion MR tractography." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.21: E2820-E2828. [PMC]
- Rosselli M, Ardila A, Bernal B. (2015).Angular gyrus connectivity model for language: a functional neuroimaging meta-analysis]. Rev Neurol (11):495-503. Spanish. [PUBMED]
- Rowland LM, Krause BW, Wijtenburg SA, McMahon RP, Chiappelli J, Nugent KL, Nisonger SJ, Korenic SA, Kochunov P, Hong LE. (2015) Medial frontal GABA is lower in older schizophrenia: a MEGA-PRESS with macromolecule suppression study. Mol Psychiatry Mar 31. [PUBMED]
- Saj A, Wilcke JC, Gschwind M, Emond H, Assal F (2013). Spatial hyperschematia without spatial neglect after insulo-thalamic disconnection. PLoS One. Nov 8(11):e79938. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079938. eCollection 2013. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Salinas FS, Narayana S, Zhang W, Fox PT, Szabó CÁ (2013). Repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation elicits rate-dependent brain network responses in non-human primates. Brain Stimul. 6(5):777-87. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Salinas FS, Szabó CÁ (2015). Resting-state functional connectivity in the baboon model of genetic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsia. (10):1580-9. [PUBMED]
- Sescousse G, Barbalat G, Domenech P & Dreher J-C (2013). Imbalance in the sensitivity to different types of rewards in pathological gambling. Brain 136:2527-2538. [PUBMED]
- Sescousse G, Caldù X, Segura B & Dreher J-C (2013). Processing of primary and secondary rewards: a quantitative meta-analysis and review of human functional neuroimaging studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37:681-696. [PUBMED]
- Sescousse G, Li Y, Dreher J-C (2014). Relative representation of motivational value in the striatum during reward anticipation. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 10(4):467-73. [PMC]
- Winkler AM, Ridgway GR, Webster MA, Smith SM, Nichols TE (2014). Permutation inference for the general linear model. Neuroimage. 92:381-97. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Winkler AM, Webster MA, Vidaurre D, Nichols TE, Smith SM (2015). Multi-level block permutation. Neuroimage. 123:253-68. [PUBMED]
- Wright S., Hong LE, Winkler A., Chiappelli J, Nugent K., Wang JJ., Rowland L., Kochunov P (2015) Perfusion Shift from White to Gray Matter May Account for Processing Speed Deficits in Schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping. In press. [PUBMED]
- Wright SN, Kochunov P, Chiappelli J, McMahon RP, Muellerklein F, Wijtenburg SA, White MG, Rowland LM, Hong LE (2014). Accelerated white matter aging in schizophrenia: role of white matter blood perfusion. NeuroBiology of Aging (10):2411-8. [PUBMED]
- Yourganov G, Schmah T, Churchill NW, Berman MG, Grady CL, Strother SC (2014). Pattern classification of fMRI data: applications for analysis of spatially distributed cortical networks. Neuroimage, 96C:117-132. [PUBMED]
List only includes pubs since 2013, the year the original grant started.
- Ákos Szabó C, Salinas FS, Li K, Franklin C, Leland MM, Fox PT, Laird AR, Narayana S. (2015). Modeling the effective connectivity of the visual network in healthy and photosensitive, epileptic baboons. Brain Struct Funct. [PUBMED]
- Anderson JAE, Campbell KL, Amer T, Grady CL, Hasher L (2014). Timing is Everything: Age differences in the cognitive control network are modulated by time of day. Psychology and Aging 29:648-657. [PUBMED]
- Ardila A, Bernal B, Rosselli M. (2015). Language and visual perception associations: meta-analytic connectivity modeling of Brodmann area 37. Behav Neurol. 2015:565871. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Belyk, M. & Brown, S. (2014). Perception of affective and linguistic prosody : An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9, 1395-1403. [PUBMED]
- Belyk, M., Kraft, S.J. & Brown, S. (2015). Stuttering as a trait or state : An ALE meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 275-284. [PUBMED]
- Bernal B, Ardila A, Rosselli M. (2015). Broca's area network in language function: a pooling-data connectivity study. Front Psychol. May 22;6:687. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Campbell KL, Grigg O, Saverino C, Churchill N, Grady CL (2013). Age differences in the intrinsic functional connectivity of default network subsystems. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 5, Article 73. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Chen, J., Honey, C.J., Simony, E., Arcaro, M.J., Norman, K.A., Hasson, U. (2015). Accessing Real-Life Episodic Information from Minutes versus Hours Earlier Modulates Hippocampal and High-Order Cortical Dynamics. Cereb. Cortex bhv155. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhv155. [PUBMED]
- Dickie, D.A., et al. (2013). Variance in brain volume with advancing gage: implications for defining the limits of normality. PLoS ONE 8(12): e84093. [PMC]
- Dickie, D.A., et al. (2015). Use of brain MRI atlases to determine boundaries of age-related pathology: the importance of statistical method. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0127939. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Garrison, J., Erdeniz, B. & Done, J (2013). Prediction error in reinforcement learning: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 37, 1297–1310. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, Luk G, Craik FIM, Bialystok E (2015). Brain network activity in monolingual and bilingual older adults, Neuropsychologia 66:170-181. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, Mondloch C, Lewis T, Maurer D (2014). Early Visual Deprivation from Congenital Cataracts Disrupts Activity and Functional Connectivity in the Face Network. Neuropsychologia 57:122-139. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, Siebner H, Hornboll B, Macoveanu J, Paulson O, Knudsen G (2013). Acute Pharmacologically Induced Shifts in Serotonin Availability Abolish Emotion-selective Responses to Negative Face Emotions in Distinct Brain Networks. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 23:368–378. [PUBMED]
- Grady CL, St-Laurent M, Burianova H (2015). Age differences in brain activity related to unsuccessful declarative memory retrieval, Brain Research 1612:30-47. [PUBMED]
- Kennedy KC, Fransson BA, Gay JM, Roberts GD (2015). Comparison of Pneumoperitoneum Volumes in Lift Laparoscopy With Variable Lift Locations and Tensile Forces. Vet Surg. 44 Suppl 1:83-90. [PUBMED]
- Kochunov P, Thompson PM, Winkler A, Morrissey M, Fu M, Coyle TR, Du X, Muellerklein F, Savransky A, Gaudiot C, Sampath H, Eskandar G, Jahanshad N, Patel B, Rowland L, Nichols TE, O'Connell JR, Shuldiner AR, Mitchell BD, Hong LE (2015). The common genetic influence over processing speed and white matter microstructure: Evidence from the Old Order Amish and Human Connectome Projects. Neuroimage. Oct 21. pii: S1053-8119(15)00961-1. [PUBMED]
- Kochunov P., Chiappelli J., Hong EL. (2013). Permeability-diffusivity modeling vs. fractional anisotropy on white matter integrity assessment and application in schizophrenia. Neuroimage:Clinical 3:18-26. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Narayana S, Fox PT, Mogul DJ (2013). PET-based confirmation of orientation sensitivity of TMS-induced cortical activation in humans. Brain Stimul. 6(6):898-904. [PUBMED]
- Krieg TD, Salinas FS, Narayana S, Fox PT, Mogul DJ. (2015). Computational and experimental analysis of TMS-induced electric field vectors critical to neuronal activation. J Neural Eng. [PUBMED]
- Maillet, D & Rajah, M. N. (2014 ). Age-related differences in brain activity during the subsequent memory paradigm: a meta-analysis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 45: p. 246-57. [PUBMED]
- Maillet, D. and M. N. Rajah (2014). "Dissociable roles of default-mode regions during episodic encoding." Neuroimage 89: 244-255. [PUBMED]
- McGuire S, Sherman P, Profenna L, Grogan P, Sladky J, Brown A, Robinson A, Rowland L, Hong E, Patel B, Tate D, Kawano E, Fox P, Kochunov P (2013). White Matter Hyperintensities on MRI in High-Altitude U-2 Pilots. Neurology (8):729-35. [PUBMED]
- McGuire SA, Sherman PM, Wijtenburg S, Rowland LM, Grogan PM, Sladky JH, Robinson AY, Kochunov PV (2014). White Matter Hyperintensities and Hypobaric Exposure. Ann Neurol 76(5):19-26. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- McGuire SA, Tate DF, Wood J, Sladky JH, McDonald K, Sherman PM, Kawano ES, Rowland LM, Patel B, Wright SN, Hong E, Rasmussen J, Willis AM, Kochunov PV (2014). Lower neurocognitive function in U-2 pilots: Relationship to white matter hyperintensities. Neurology.83(7):638-45. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- McKay DR1, Knowles EE, Winkler AA, Sprooten E, Kochunov P, Olvera RL, Curran JE, Kent JW Jr, Carless MA, Göring HH, Dyer TD, Duggirala R, Almasy L, Fox PT, Blangero J, Glahn DC (2014). Influence of age, sex and genetic factors on the human brain. Brain Imaging Behav. 8(2):143-52. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Onat S., Büchel C. (2015). The neuronal basis of fear generalization in humans. 18(12):1811-8. doi: 10.1038/nn.4166. [PUBMED]
- Petrican R, Saverino C, Rosenbaum RS, Grady CL (2015). Inter-individual differences in the experience of negative emotion predict variations in functional brain architecture. Neuroimage 123:80-88. [PUBMED]
- Plante, E., Almryde, K., Patterson, D.K., Vance, C.J., Asbjørnsen, A.E., (2014). Language lateralization shifts with learning by adults. Laterality 20, 1–20. [PUBMED]
- Plante, E., Patterson, D.K., Dailey, N.S., Almryde, K., Fridriksson, J., (2014). Dynamic changes in network activations characterize early learning of a natural language. Neuropsychologia 2014 (62):77–86. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Plante, E., Patterson, D.K., Gómez, R., Almryde, K.R., White, M.G., Asbjørnsen, A.E. (2015). The nature of the language input affects brain activation during learning from a natural language. Journal of Neurolinguistics (36):17–34. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Poeppl TB, Eickhoff SB, Fox PT, Laird AR, Rupprecht R, Langguth B, Bzdok D (2015). Connectivity and functional profiling of abnormal brain structures in pedophilia. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2374–86. [PUBMED]
- Poeppl TB, Frank E, Schecklmann M, Kreuzer PM, Prasser SJ, Rupprecht R, Hajak G, Langguth B, Landgrebe M (2014). Amygdalohippocampal neuroplastic changes following neuroleptic treatment with quetiapine in first-episode schizophrenia. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 17:833–43. [PUBMED]
- Poeppl TB, Langguth B, Laird AR, Eickhoff SB (2014). The functional neuroanatomy of male psychosexual and physiosexual arousal: a quantitative meta-analysis. Hum Brain Mapp 35:1404–21. [PUBMED]
- Poeppl TB, Nitschke J, Santtila P, Schecklmann M, Langguth B, Greenlee MW, Osterheider M, Mokros A (2013). Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia. J Psychiatr Res 47:678–85. [PUBMED]
- Polak P, Leddy JJ, Dwyer MG, Willer B, Zivadinov R. (2015). Diffusion Tensor Imaging Alterations in Patients With Postconcussion Syndrome Undergoing Exercise Treatment: A Pilot Longitudinal Study. J Head Trauma Rehabil 30(2):E32-42. [PUBMED]
- Reveley C, Seth AK, Pierpaoli C, Silva AC, Yu D, Saunders RC, Leopold DA, Ye FQ (2015) "Superficial white matter fiber systems impede detection of long-range cortical connections in diffusion MR tractography." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112.21: E2820-E2828. [PMC]
- Rosselli M, Ardila A, Bernal B. (2015).Angular gyrus connectivity model for language: a functional neuroimaging meta-analysis]. Rev Neurol (11):495-503. Spanish. [PUBMED]
- Rowland LM, Krause BW, Wijtenburg SA, McMahon RP, Chiappelli J, Nugent KL, Nisonger SJ, Korenic SA, Kochunov P, Hong LE. (2015) Medial frontal GABA is lower in older schizophrenia: a MEGA-PRESS with macromolecule suppression study. Mol Psychiatry Mar 31. [PUBMED]
- Saj A, Wilcke JC, Gschwind M, Emond H, Assal F (2013). Spatial hyperschematia without spatial neglect after insulo-thalamic disconnection. PLoS One. Nov 8(11):e79938. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079938. eCollection 2013. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Salinas FS, Narayana S, Zhang W, Fox PT, Szabó CÁ (2013). Repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation elicits rate-dependent brain network responses in non-human primates. Brain Stimul. 6(5):777-87. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Salinas FS, Szabó CÁ (2015). Resting-state functional connectivity in the baboon model of genetic generalized epilepsy. Epilepsia. (10):1580-9. [PUBMED]
- Sescousse G, Barbalat G, Domenech P & Dreher J-C (2013). Imbalance in the sensitivity to different types of rewards in pathological gambling. Brain 136:2527-2538. [PUBMED]
- Sescousse G, Caldù X, Segura B & Dreher J-C (2013). Processing of primary and secondary rewards: a quantitative meta-analysis and review of human functional neuroimaging studies. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 37:681-696. [PUBMED]
- Sescousse G, Li Y, Dreher J-C (2014). Relative representation of motivational value in the striatum during reward anticipation. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 10(4):467-73. [PMC]
- Winkler AM, Ridgway GR, Webster MA, Smith SM, Nichols TE (2014). Permutation inference for the general linear model. Neuroimage. 92:381-97. [PUBMED] [PMC]
- Winkler AM, Webster MA, Vidaurre D, Nichols TE, Smith SM (2015). Multi-level block permutation. Neuroimage. 123:253-68. [PUBMED]
- Wright S., Hong LE, Winkler A., Chiappelli J, Nugent K., Wang JJ., Rowland L., Kochunov P (2015) Perfusion Shift from White to Gray Matter May Account for Processing Speed Deficits in Schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping. In press. [PUBMED]
- Wright SN, Kochunov P, Chiappelli J, McMahon RP, Muellerklein F, Wijtenburg SA, White MG, Rowland LM, Hong LE (2014). Accelerated white matter aging in schizophrenia: role of white matter blood perfusion. NeuroBiology of Aging (10):2411-8. [PUBMED]
- Yourganov G, Schmah T, Churchill NW, Berman MG, Grady CL, Strother SC (2014). Pattern classification of fMRI data: applications for analysis of spatially distributed cortical networks. Neuroimage, 96C:117-132. [PUBMED]